State Bank of India chairman CS Setty on Friday pitched for the creation of a market infrastructure institution to track the end-use of funds borrowed or raised as equity by small businesses. A "viable mechanism" is needed to ensure that the funds are used for the intended purposes, Setty said in remarks which come amid heightened concerns on the subject of end-use of funds. "We will require a viable mechanism to track the actual use of these funds to ensure that the funds are utilised for the purposes they have been raised for, probably through the establishment of a separate market infrastructure institution with powers to track the use of borrowed funds or the funds raised through equities," Setty said. Addressing a conference organised by the Sebi-promoted NISM here, Setty said the creation of such a platform will provide comfort to lenders as well as investors, and make pricing more competitive. It can be noted that the RBI has been pressing lenders to monitor end-use funds, .