The Bombay High Court on Friday dismissed a plea seeking guidelines to curb black marketing and ticket scalping at major events in the backdrop of the alleged foul play in the ticket sale process for British band Coldplay's concert in Navi Mumbai this month.
A division bench of Chief Justice D K Upadhyaya and Justice Amit Borkar said the issues raised in the petition pertain to the legislative domain, and hence, the court cannot interfere.
"This is a legislative and executive decision. The court cannot interfere. The government is at liberty to formulate legislation addressing the concerns raised in the petition," the court said.
The bench said that in the absence of a clear statutory framework mandating the reliefs sought in the petition, it cannot direct legislation to be enacted or laws to be amended in a particular manner.
"However, in the event that the competent authority (of the government) considers it necessary, they remain at liberty to take appropriate legislative or ...