Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said while past governments made the Maha Kumbh "synonymous with dirt and chaos", this year's festival would bring Rs 2 lakh crore to the economy. There will be a confluence of faith and modernity in the Maha Kumbh, Adityanath said addressing the media after inaugurating the Digital Media Centre at Mahakumbh Nagar in Prayagraj. Asserting that the Maha Kumbh was not given due respect before 2019, he said, "Those people had made Kumbh synonymous with dirt, chaos and stampede. This should be a lesson for them. This time, Kumbh is going to be the world's largest spiritual event..." Maha Kumbh 2025 will be more divine and grand than all the Kumbh Melas so far, with more than 40 crore devotees set to visit this time, said the chief minister who arrived in Maha Kumbh Nagar on Thursday for a two-day visit. "Maha Kumbh will strengthen the economy of Prayagraj as well as the whole country. The Prayagraj Kumbh alone is estimated to brin