State-run Indian Overseas Bank on Thursday said it is selling non-performing assets of Rs 11,500 crore to asset reconstruction companies. The Chennai-headquartered lender said it is selling 46 loan accounts and invited expressions of interest from the ARCs, according to an official statement. The sale will be conducted through an e-auction under the open auction method on a portfolio basis, it said, adding that the portfolio comprises accounts financed under a consortium arrangement, with some admitted under NCLT. Prospective buyers can bid on a portfolio basis, individual accounts, or groups of accounts, it added. IOB Managing Director and Chief Executive Ajay Kumar Srivastava said when it comes to resolving stress, it wants to focus on value maximisation through recovery measures, including invoking SARFAESI actions, compromise settlements, and sales to ARCs. Eligible ARCs and other transferees can submit their EoI by January 18 to participate in the e-auction scheduled for Janu