The initial public offer of engineering and construction company Deepak Builders & Engineers India Ltd received 41.54 times subscription on the last day of the share sale on Wednesday. The Rs 260 crore share sale got bids for 37,24,76,076 shares against 89,67,061 shares on offer, according to an update on the NSE. The non-institutional investors part fetched 82.47 times subscription while the quota for Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) got subscribed 39.79 times. The portion for Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) attracted 13.91 times subscription. The Initial Public Offer (IPO) of Deepak Builders & Engineers India Ltd received 4.12 times subscription on the first day of the share sale on Monday. The IPO has a fresh issue of up to 1.07 crore equity shares and an offer for sale of up to 21,10,000 equity shares. The price range for the offer is fixed at Rs 192-203 per share. Fedex Securities Private Ltd is the book-running lead manager to the offer.