Sluggish capex demand from corporates and a 'war on pricing' in the market to sign up big borrowers brought down the targeted credit growth in the September quarter, Union Bank of India chief executive and managing director A Manimekhalai said on Tuesday. She said the state-owned lender had to stay away from many of the lending proposals because of such factors, due to which the corporate loan growth has slipped to 6.3 per cent, pulling down the overall loan growth to 9.6 per cent against the over 13 per cent for the system. The bank is targeting a loan growth of 11-13 per cent during the fiscal. Speaking to reporters, the MD and CEO said the bank had envisaged a pick-up in private capex, but the same did not turn up, leading to a muted growth in overall corporate advances. "We have let go lot many accounts for the interest rate reasons that we were not able to grow the book. Going forward, we hope the capex cycle revives. "The capex has not revived. It's just that the basket, whi