Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami held a high-level meeting reviewing the recent malware attack that temporarily closed down the state's data centre. Taking stock of the situation, he directed the officials to complete the scanning of the state's data centre and restore all the important websites and online services by Monday. Malware is a type of computer virus used to steal data. He said, "It should be ensured that all websites start operating by Monday." During the meeting, State Information Technology Secretary Nitesh Jha said that there has been no data loss due to malware on virtual machines in the data centre of the Information Technology Development Agency. He said that out of 1378 machines, 11 were affected by malware. The data centre has been scanned several times in the last two days. Many websites, including e-office and CM helpline, have been restored. The chief minister said that to prevent the recurrence of such cases, a 'Cyber ??Security Task Force' w