AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal Sunday challenged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide free electricity in the 22 BJP-ruled states before the Delhi Assembly elections and promised to campaign for the saffron party if this demand is fulfilled. Kejriwal dared the BJP to hold the Delhi Assembly elections along with those in Jharkhand and Maharashtra in November and said the AAP is ready for it. Addressing a public gathering at 'Janta Ki Adalat', Kejriwal accused the BJP's "double engine" governments of failing in states and predicted the party's ouster from Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir. "Double engine governments mean inflation, corruption, and unemployment," he said, adding, "the exit polls show that the BJP's double engine governments will soon collapse in Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir." During his speech, Kejriwal held a packet containing six 'revris' (sweets) and said that each "revri" symbolised the six free services provided by his government -- free electricity, water, bus ride