The first phase of the Jammu and Kashmir polls saw men outnumbering women in casting votes by over 4.79 percentage points, the Election Commission said on Friday while issuing revised figures with voter turnout rising to 61.38 per cent from 61.11 per cent earlier. The first phase of polling was held in 24 assembly constituencies spread across Anantnag, Pulwama, Kulgam and Shopian in south Kashmir and Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban districts in the Chenab valley area of the Jammu region on September 18. According to Election Commission data, more male voters cast their votes in 18 seats while women voters outnumbered men in the rest of the six assembly segments. A total of 23,27,543 lakh people were eligible to vote in the first phase. Of them, 11,76,441 men, 11,51,042 women and 60 transgenders exercised their franchise. Assembly polls in Jammu and Kashmir are taking place for the first time after the abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the erstwhile state into two Union ...