Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the "ghost of hatred" has entered the Congress and dubbed it as the most corrupt party which he alleged was being run by the "tukde tukde" gang or divisive elements and urban Naxals. Further targeting the main opposition party, Modi maintained the 138-year-old outfit has come to hate even Ganpati puja, remarks coming days after he offered prayers to Lord Ganesh's idol at Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud's New Delhi home, drawing criticism from political opponents. The Congress which you see today is not the party with which a great man like Mahatma Gandhi was associated, the PM noted, addressing a public meeting at Wardha in Maharashtra organised on completion of one year of the launch of Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana. The ghost of hatred has entered the Congress. In today's Congress the soul of patriotism has breathed its last, the BJP stalwart asserted. Modi also spoke of anti-India agendas of Congress leaders in their speeche