Assam Police on Friday pushed back two Bangladeshis who attempted to cross the international border at Karimganj district, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said. He said on Thursday also Assam Police pushed back four Bangladeshis who attempted to cross the border in Karimganj district. "In line with our zero-tolerance policy toward illegal infiltration, earlier today @assampolice successfully pushed back the following Bangladeshi nationals who attempted to cross the International Border at Karimganj," Sarma posted on X on Friday. The two illegal immigrants were identified as Dilara Begum and Shoel Hawladar, he said. In another post on the micro-blogging site on Thursday evening, Sarma had said four Bangladeshi nationals were pushed back. "Maintaining strict vigil along the Indo-Bangladesh border, @assampolice identified four Bangladeshi nationals near the border in Karimganj," he said. They were identified as Romida Begum, Abdul Elahi, Marijna Begum and Abdul Sukkur. "They wer