With the restoration of one of the railway lines, rail traffic between Delhi and Mathura that was disrupted due to derailment of a goods train has started, officials said on Friday. Rail traffic on three lines was disturbed due to the derailment of the goods train on Wednesday between Vrindaban road and Ajhai stations of Mathura-Palwal section of NCR . "The traffic on the third line was restored at 10.30 pm on Thursday, when a goods train coming from the Delhi side passed through it," Prashasti Srivastava, DCM and PRO DRM office Agra of NCR, said. "After the restoration of the third line, traffic on the UP and DOWN line is going smoothly. A number of trains coming from the Delhi side have so far passed through the third line," she said. However, the work to restore the first and second line is still on, officials said, and added that "it will take some time to restore both the tracks." Since the first three lines were disturbed due to derailment of a goods train, only down traffic