Crew member on Charlie Enright’s 11th Hour Racing Team, Jack Bouttell offers his top advice on repairing your boat in the middle of the sea, based on his experience.

Jack Bouttell grinding away at a crack at the root of the starboard rudder of 11th Hour Racing Team during the 2022/23 The Ocean Race with crewmates Simon Fisher and Justine Mettraux.
Jack Bouttell grinding away at a crack at the root of the starboard rudder of 11th Hour Racing Team during the 2022/23 The Ocean Race with crewmates Simon Fisher and Justine Mettraux. Photo: Amory Ross/11th Hour Racing/The Ocean Race

In the 50-year history of The Ocean Race (ex-Whitbread/Volvo), Leg 3 of the 2023 edition from Cape Town, South Africa …Continue reading »

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