Three people in a job interview setting.Brooke Cagle on Unsplash" />Three people in a job interview setting.

For jobseekers, job interviews can feel like an absolute minefield. You are essentially selling yourself as an employee while figuring out if the employers are a good fit for you, too.

This is all the more difficult when you’re not sure just how upfront you should be about less savoury things on your CV such as career gaps and jobs that didn’t quite work out.

Starting out a new role with a few white lies may seem like a bad idea but according to one careers expert, there are some lies that you “absolutely should tell” in an interview.

In a recent TikTok video, careers and leadership expert Isobelle Panton shares her advice for nailing a job interview.

Lies you should tell during a job interview

Your reason for leaving your last role

“Even if it’s the most valid reason”, Panton shares, “if it’s negative, I don’t want to hear it.”

She recommends that when answering the question of why you’re leaving your current role, you should “keep it positive, keep it professional, keep it progressive”.

How many offers or interview processes you’re in

According to Panton, even if you are interviewing for your dream role, it’s essential to still play your cards close to your chest.

“Don’t make out that this is the only interview you’re having. It gives an air of desperation, that you really need this job, whereas if they think that you have multiple eggs and multiple baskets, you’ll be perceived as top talent.

“Being perceived as top talent means that you are more likely to get the offer that you’re actually looking for.”


Lies you SHOULD tell at interview that nobody wants you to know #careeradvice#interviewadvice#careertok

♬ original sound - Iz | Corporate Agony Aunt ????

Major travel plans 

If you’re planning to go travelling for a year in the near future, keep this to yourself, says the careers expert.

Panton admits that she has spoken to several candidates who have shared their plans to go travelling in the next year or so and while, on a personal level, she is happy for them, “It just tells me that they’re only getting this job to pay for [travel].”

“Don’t be so honest in that circumstance. Don’t let me know. I don’t want to know.”

Plans to set up your own business

“I’m the biggest advocate for side hustles, love a side hustle, don’t get me wrong. 

“But, if you join an interview and tell me that this job is just seed money for your own business entity... I’ll [think] that your motivation to work for me is slim-to-none.”
