For a long time, I wrestled with the infamous ‘mum guilt’ – a nagging feeling that I wasn’t doing enough, that I was missing out on precious moments with my son while building my business empire.
But I’ve since found a way to create balance: by structuring my day with absolute clarity and intention.
Between 4am and 7.30am, my time belongs entirely to me. This window is sacred for my personal health and wellbeing. I hit the gym, go for a walk, read, and write in my journal.
These early morning hours allow me to feel centred and energised before the rest of the day unfolds.
By 7.30am, I shift gears to be fully present with my son. He’s almost two and I cherish our morning routine together. This is a dedicated hour where I help him wake up, get dressed and have breakfast, ensuring we start the day on a positive and connected note.
At 8.30am, my nanny arrives, and I transition into work mode – focused and ready to tackle the demands of my businesses until 3pm.
Between these hours, I run two businesses: ThePropertyStagers, which is a multi-award-winning property staging company that stages around 400 houses a year in the UK for sale, and StagerBoss, another seven-figure company where I teach others how to launch their own property staging business.
My day also includes ‘deep work’ sessions. It’s a term coined by Cal Newport in his book of the same name. Put simply, it’s working distraction-free (no notifications or interruptions from anyone) for a minimum of two hours.
I work very purposely. At times I’m sure my life looks glamorous but people only see the exciting part: speaking on stage, being interviewed, staying in cool places. However, it has taken many years of working behind the scenes to get to this place.
Once the clock hits 3pm, my priorities shift entirely back to my son.
From then until his bedtime at 7pm, he has my undivided attention. Whether we’re playing, reading, exploring outdoors, or simply enjoying quality time together, these hours are sacred.
And when the weekend arrives, it’s full-on family time. No work distractions, no checking emails – just being present and soaking in the moments with my little boy.
This intentional scheduling has been life-changing. It has eliminated guilt and replaced it with confidence in my ability to thrive both as a business owner and as a mother.
I firmly believe that working parents can have it all: success in their careers and deeply fulfilling relationships with their children, if they structure their days with purpose.
I would wholeheartedly recommend this approach to other parents. Setting clear boundaries between work and family time ensures that when you’re with your child, you’re fully present.
There’s no guilt, no distractions – just pure, meaningful connection. And in turn, this makes the moments together even more special.
Ultimately, everything I’m building is to create a life with no limits for us, and to change other people’s lives along the way, and I’m really excited to be a role model for him – showing that no matter what he wants to achieve, he can do it.
Interiors expert Liv Conlon, 26, runs two seven-figure businesses: multi-award-winning ThePropertyStagers that stages 400 properties a year; and StagerBoss - a coaching business teaching women how they can do the same.