Beans make make these simple sweet treats extra-nutritious and super-fudgy

Since joining Beans is How, an ambitious campaign to double global bean consumption by 2028, I’m pretty sure I’ve tripled my own consumption of the things. I’ve long been a bean enthusiast, but after learning more about how good they are for the planet, even when grown within the conventional, non-organic farming system, I’ve been using them much more both in my recipes and in my home cooking. I now add beans in some shape or form to most meals, from spaghetti bolognese (by replacing 50% of the pasta with beans) to a rich, meaty stew (by reducing the amount of meat). Even so, by the end of most weeks, we usually still have some beans left over, which is when I get really inventive. These blondies, for example, are extra-nutritious, super-fudgy and very simple to make.

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