Saving energy isn’t the only benefit of cold washing. In her latest column on rethinking our laundry habits, Lauren Bravo explains why turning down the temperature can actually be more effective in removing some blemishes

Look, we all know we’re supposed to be washing our clothes cool. For the sake of the planet, and our energy bills, defaulting to 30C instead of higher temperatures can save 40% of the energy used each year, according to the Energy Saving Trust. The EU has even made it compulsory since 2013 for all new machines to have a 20C option.

Still, it can be tempting to let the dial slip back to 40C for old times’ sake, or stick on a cheeky 60c wash when faced with serious stains, feeling we need to crank up the heat. But does hotter really equal cleaner? Or more hygienic? And, more importantly, which do our clothes prefer?

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