Beyond steaming, you can batter and fry them, cook them in coconut milk, put them in a chowder …

Besides steaming them open, what else can you do with mussels? And what’s the best sauce or side to accompany them?
Liz, London
It’s so tempting to default to steaming, I know, but there’s so much more you can do with mussels. One option is to cook them in a sauce, perhaps to serve with pasta, which works especially well if you head off in a tomato and fresh herb direction, though they’re also great with just garlic, chilli and parsley.

I also love taking mussels down an Asian route, cooking them in coconut milk and any or all of lemongrass, Thai basil, makrut lime leaves, chilli and ginger. Rice is another great option, with the mussels served on top in a broth spiked with those Asian flavourings or cooked in a Spanish paella with saffron and chilli. They’re also lovely in a soup or stew, especially bouillabaisse-style.

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