Artists throughout the ages have used similar language to explain how they experience the creative process – now studies have confirmed the ‘flow state’ is real

Eminem may not often be considered one of the greatest philosophers of our time, but when he rapped about being lost in the music and never letting that moment go, he honed in on the importance of removing barriers during the creative process – and in doing so he struck on some neurological truth.

It’s a sentiment that other creatives over the years have subscribed to, from Taoists in ancient China trying to find wu-wei (effortless action) to Jackson Pollock, who described the process of painting as almost being unconscious: “When I am in my painting, I’m not aware of what I’m doing. It is only after a sort of ‘get acquainted’ period that I see what I have been about.”

Supercharge your creativity with Galaxy AI

Experimenting with images is a good place to begin creative endeavours, and with Photo Assist on the new Galaxy Z Flip6, budding artists are encouraged to snap freely; edit smartly. Using photos and AI capability, the Sketch to Image feature allows you to transform a sketch into a photorealistic object that matches the mood of the original drawing. Meanwhile, a selfie can be taken into whole new artistic realms with Portrait Studio, which turns portrait pictures and more into graphic novel-worthy cartoon characters.

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