Readers respond to suggestions for changing the measures of beer offered in pubs

Instead of replacing the pub pint measure it might be better to offer more choice to customers (The power of the pint: is it time to retire one of the world’s biggest beer measures?, 24 April). Pubs and bars could offer customers four measures as choices. A one‑third pint referred to as a small; a half‑pint referred to as a half; a two-thirds-ish pint referred to as a large; and a traditional pint.

The purists have what they demand and can still ask someone out for a pint. The trendy types will have a new reason to go out and frequent pubs, though they will continue to ask someone if they fancy a beer. Everyone is happy with having more choice and, hopefully, a struggling business sector could get a boost.
Pat Fitzgerald
Polegate, East Sussex

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