Boiler bother | Immigration and wars | Bradford blow | Working people | ME/CFS | Erotic Saturday

A few years ago, I got fed up trying to reprogramme my confusing boiler controls twice a year when the clocks change (What is the most efficient way to use central heating? Your energy questions answered, 26 October). So I reset the time on it by just half an hour. Now it comes on a bit late at the start of autumn, when it’s not that cold anyway, and a bit early in the depths of winter, when it’s really cold. Result.
Dr Nigel Mellor
Newcastle upon Tyne

• If governments want to stop unorthodox immigration, they should get stuck into stopping the wars that force people to flee for their lives (Despair in Chad camps as violence and hunger in Sudan drive 25,000 across border in a week, 21 October).
Emma Tait

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