The fierce Lee Miller is the role Kate Winslet was born to play, plus Steven Spielberg and more line up to wax lyrical about the most legendary composer in the history of cinema. What a bringer of joy

Lee Miller’s life is the sadly familiar case of a female artist whose work has been overlooked because of her collaboration with a famous man, in this instance as a model for Man Ray. It’s her subsequent career as a war photographer that director Ellen Kuras and star Kate Winslet focus on in their fierce film. Winslet – in a role she was born to play – is the magnetic, forthright Lee, a woman who won’t take no for an answer. When the second world war breaks out, she nabs a job taking pictures for Vogue, getting herself front and centre for the London blitz, liberation of Europe and, chillingly, the discovery of the death camps – snapping away in fury and shock at the inhumanity she sees.
Friday 1 November, 11.50am, 8pm, Sky Cinema Premiere

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