Guardian readers often dream about winning big money and while they could think of all kinds of uses for the kind of big money that comes from winning EuroMillions, they all had one thing in common – a desire to help others

We’ve all probably asked ourselves at some point what we would do if we won the lottery, or to be more specific, won the jackpot with EuroMillions. According to Guardian Voices – a nationally representative sample of Guardian readers across the UK – 41% of respondents dream about winning a life-changing amount somewhere between every day and once a week. At 64%, “helping my loved ones” was what got our readers most excited at the prospect. But what else would they spend their money on? One thing is for sure: for all of them, there would be signs they’d won.

Good causes
An altruistic 34% of readers would be most excited to support charities. “Most of my winnings would go to support various social and community activities,” said Guardian reader one – who would also “set up a charity to buy up some of the empty properties in my area” and then “let them out at a reasonable rent”.

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