Céline Pernet places a number of willing volunteers in front of a camera and asks them a series of candid questions, and the responses form a fascinating tapestry of experience

In an era where conversations between strangers often take place through screens, Céline Pernet’s playful documentary seeks answers the (almost) old-fashioned way. Curious about the thinking of men of her generation, the film-maker put out an ad seeking male interview subjects between 30-45, who speak French and are willing to be in front of the camera. As Pernet volleys questions about identity, relationships, and more, the responses form a fascinating tapestry of male experiences, told with candidness and vulnerability.

One common theme that arises from these tête-à-têtes is a feeling of uncertainty and restlessness. Many of the interviewees are unsure of their place in a world where feminism is more confident and gender relations in France appear to have changed. Antiquated expectations of sexual performance, earning potential and beauty ideals prove oppressive to some, while positive role models are few and far between. One even suggests that the two choices available for men are either to adopt toxic behaviours or to remain silent.

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