Underbelly Boulevard, London
The magician delivers some jaw-dropping moments without quite answering his own question of whether you can deceive people honestly

He wants to be incredible; he wants to be credible. Such is the lot of the professional conjuror, torn between dumbfounding people, and regretting that he must lie and deceive to do so. Incredibly Human is Israeli magician Asi Wind’s effort to square that circle: can you trick your audience, and be honest while doing so?

The results are inconclusive. Yes, Wind – real name Asi Betesh – delivers a terrific 80 minutes of magic, leaving you as dizzy as an ace in a fast-shuffled pack of cards. But no, he doesn’t advance his honesty/deception argument a jot – it was, as suspected, so much hot air from Wind, just another misdirection while the real jiggery-pokery was happening elsewhere.

At Underbelly Boulevard, London, until 5 January

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