Shakespeare North Playhouse, Prescot
A cast of deaf, disabled and neurodivergent actors throw new light on the star-crossed lovers in Graeae’s uneven yet often thrilling show

Actors appear, one by one. As they enter, a voice speaks over a PA, giving their personal statistics. Some are usual for a performer: height; colour of eyes, of skin; gender. Other stats are less usual: “muscular dystrophy”; “pretty”. Some are bizarre, intrusive: “tea-drinker”; “tattoo” (“It’s on my thigh! “How did they know?”).

These are extras, arrived for a casting for they know not what. They’ve been directed to what the security guard has called “the crip block”, but why? “We don’t look disabled. Why are we here?”

Romeo and Juliet is at Shakespeare North Playhouse until 5 October, and transfers to Theatre By the Lake, Keswick, 12-26 October

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