Kristen Bell and Adam Brody are a sex podcaster and a rabbi who fall for each other in a snappy, sassy and very bingeable rom-com. Plus: Ryan Murphy is back with more gruesome horror

This odd couple comedy partly mirrors the experience of its creator, Erin Foster, who converted to Judaism when she married her husband. Joanne (Kristen Bell) is an outspoken sex and dating podcaster, while Noah (Adam Brody) is a progressive rabbi, rebounding from a failed relationship and surrounded by an overbearing family. Their counterintuitive romance has echoes of the trashy-meets-nerdy central relationship in Bell’s hit show The Good Place. Each 30-minute episode is slick and bingeable, full of snappy, sassy dialogue, mild cultural confusion and a sense that for all of its breeziness, something gently serious might lurk beneath the surface.
Netflix, from Thursday 26 September

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