The Yard, London
While its subject matter is powerful, the story of three split selves is too disconnected to follow, with one scene jumping to another and not joining up to form a whole

The fracturing experience of childhood adoption manifests as a split self on stage. There are three versions of one woman, from different points in life, talking about a fourth, present-day incarnation, off stage. The ambition is to become whole but that requires a painful journey back to the beginning.

Selina Thompson’s play employs an overarching tree metaphor, so the split selves are Sapling (Angelina Chudi), Bark (Muki Zubis) and Seed (Nandi Bhebhe), on a mission to unite with their whole self, called Sycamore. We hear her story and theories around her splitting and how race intersects with social inequality and ideological biases to work against Black families.

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