Health secretary says ‘accurate diagnosis’ needed to fix problems as report by Nick Triggle says medics fear negativity could also harm staff morale

In an interview with Sky News, Wes Streeting said waiting lists would be “demonstrably lower” than they are now. He said:

By the next general election, waiting lists will be demonstrably lower because I know that’s how I will be judged, how the prime minister will be judged, how the government will be judged - people will judge us by our actions, not just our words ultimately.

Advances in genomics and data mean the healthcare of the future will be more predictive, more preventative and more personalised than ever before.

Detecting from birth a child’s risk of disease so we can act to keep them well; spotting cancer earlier, saving countless lives; treating patients with targeted medicines.

If the wealthy are told to wait months for treatment, they can shop around. But working people can’t.

And if they pay top dollar, the wealthy can be treated with cutting-edge equipment and technology. But working people can’t.

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