Readers respond to an editorial on the US president’s malign strategy against its neighbour

Donald Trump has consistently threatened to forcibly annex Canada (as well as Greenland), and has goaded and insulted Justin Trudeau and Canadians more generally(The Guardian view on why Canada matters: a nation in the global frontline, 6 March) . Trump and his far-right coterie of plutocrats and supine Republicans want freedom for themselves to accumulate even more wealth and capital, to accelerate the plunder of other people and to promote the destruction of our planet.

It’s not just bad behaviour towards a peaceful neighbour that is at issue. This is the real meaning of the “polycrisis” referred to in your recent article (What is this era of calamity we’re in? Some say ‘polycrisis’ captures it, 6 March). The term is an empty signifier, devoid of any explanation or useful meaning.

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