New Diorama theatre, London
Sisters navigating a harsh immigration process conjure up an unnerving helper in Sonali Bhattacharyya’s drama

Sonali Bhattacharyya’s shivery new play begins with a jolt of panic. Pre-show waltz music cuts out; lightning flares, then leaves us in darkness. Nerves jangle from the first moment, and never get a chance to calm during this cracking show that nudges activist drama into atavistic horror.

On an unnamed island not so different to our own, sisters Nikita and Riya navigate a stern immigration process. They’re of migrant heritage (Kali theatre, the co-producers, presents work by South Asian women, though no background is specified in the play), and they needle each other as only sisters can.

Nikita (Zainab Hasan, fervent and troubled) works with young migrants, but Riya’s own resident status is uncertain. They seek help from Ayesha Dharker’s glitteringly malign auntie, who proffers sickly endearments (“my beautiful little orphans”) and murky magic. Dreading disaster, Riya (Safiyya Ingar, always two steps from a sulk) casts a spell and creates a homuncular fawn to dote upon her.

At New Diorama, London, until 2 November

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