Class-based disadvantage manifests itself before children even start school, says a report from the Centre for Young Lives

One of Labour’s five missions for government is to break down barriers to opportunity so that every child has the chance to fulfil their potential, regardless of their background. Yet Labour’s plans to address the attainment gap between children from poorer and more affluent backgrounds – a gap that was already widening before the pandemic and has since worsened – are so far inadequate and unequal to the task.

A report published by the Centre for Young Lives last week exposes how much class-based disadvantage manifests before children even start school. About 48% of those eligible for free school meals are not “school ready”; ie, not performing at an age-appropriate level across the statutory assessment that happens before they begin year 1. This compares with 38% of those not eligible for free school meals. This has got worse as a result of the pandemic; more children, for example, are starting reception wearing nappies and unable to communicate or socialise with other children.

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