This hagiographic documentary from Kim Kardashian is light on negatives and full of praise in a way that is sometimes hard to stomach. Thank God for Joan Collins’ acid tongue

Typical. You don’t wait years for an Elizabeth Taylor documentary and then two turn up at once regardless. Last month we had Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes, a film built around the discovery of 40 hours of audio interviews the star recorded with a journalist in 1964. Now we have a three-part documentary executive produced by Kim Kardashian and furnishing us with more of the hagiographic same.

The new series differs from the former offering by being able to field a more impressive array of talking heads. George Hamilton is there again, of course, but this time her ex-boyfriend is joined by rarely seen members of the Taylor clan (son Chris and granddaughter Naomi), her goddaughter Paris Jackson (son of Michael), fellow child stardom survivor Margaret O’Brien, Anthony Fauci (for the public health activism years), Kim K herself (who conducted the last ever interview with Taylor before her death in 2011), Sharon Stone and – I do feel we need the triumphal Dynasty theme tune playing here – Joan Collins. God, Collins is wonderful. But we’ll come back to her.

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