Rows over donations and the role of Sue Gray have exposed a disturbing lack of grip in Keir Starmer’s government

Labour’s conference next week will be a celebration of the party’s spectacular victory over the Conservatives in July. Understandably so. But warning signs for the future cannot now be brushed aside. Neither the government nor Sir Keir Starmer has enjoyed a political honeymoon since July. Poll ratings are increasingly poor. Something is failing in Labour’s way of governing. This needs to be addressed – and fast.

The big picture, Labour will insist, is that it takes time to undo the economic, social and cultural damage left by the Conservatives. That is undoubtedly true, and Labour was careful – to a fault – not to promise quick remedies during the election campaign. But the July manifesto could not have been more emphatic about Labour’s commitment to doing politics and government differently and better from day one. This is exactly where Labour seems to have lost the plot.

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