Kristina Foto, owner, operator, and officiant of the new Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel in Windsor. Photographed April 28, 2021.

Want to get married fast? Windsor’s Kristina Foto says she can put together a ceremony for you with about 60 minutes’ notice.

“We’re set up and ready to go at all times,” said the 38-year-old wedding officiant at her new Walkerville-area business: Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel.

“If somebody were to call me up right now, and they have their marriage certificate and want to do a small wedding, I could probably accommodate them within an hour or two. I can make it happen.”

Located at 1335 Wyandotte St. East, Foto’s “Vegas-style” wedding space opened about two weeks ago after renovations and rebranding.

Foto said she can host a ceremony with up to five attendees — including the couple —while staying in full compliance with Ontario’s current COVID-19 restrictions on indoor gatherings.

The rules of the ongoing provincial stay-at-home order allow for weddings, funerals, and religious services with up to 10 people.

 Kristina Foto, owner, operator, and officiant of the new Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel in Windsor. Photographed April 28, 2021.ay, April 28, 2021.

Foto said her five-person limit is due to the size of her business space. Under normal conditions, its capacity is about 30 people.

As the owner, operator, and officiant, Foto runs her “Vegas-style” weddings as a one-woman comprehensive program. She’ll even provide the bouquet.

“We try to keep it fun. We’ve got a Vegas backdrop. We’ve got a faux cake and cake cutter. We’ve got ‘Just Married’ signs,” she said.

“We’ve got a beautiful baby grand piano, an archway, and a runner (aisle) down the middle.”

 Kristina Foto, owner, operator, and officiant of the new Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel in Windsor. Photographed April 28, 2021.ay, April 28, 2021.

Despite the humble scale of Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel, its ceremonies are completely legitimate: Foto has been an officiant under Windsor Weddings since 2017, and also offers her services at Platinum Room Banquet Hall on Central Avenue.

Foto said she can also arrange non-binding “commitment ceremonies,” renewal of vows, or anniversary ceremonies for couples who want an event for symbolic or sentimental reasons.

“It might give people a little peace of mind until next year or the year when they’re able to have their big event,” Foto explained.


The COVID-19 pandemic and its necessary restrictions have been putting a major dent in Ontario’s billion-dollar-a-year wedding industry.

But Foto feels the demand for her services hasn’t actually diminished: “It’s just different. I still get the same amount of inquiries. I just have to tell them what we can do right now. A lot of people have been postponing.”

That’s why Foto believes there’s an untapped Windsor market for Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel: Even out of lockdown, there are those who might want a “nice, cost-effective alternative to having a large ceremony.”

Foto said “Vegas-style” weddings are also ideal for couples who want to make their union meaningful — but discreet. “People have actually done this in secret. They’ve come and gotten married and not told a soul. It’s just something for the couple to keep between themselves.”

Find out more about Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel at  or call 519-990-4307.