Kids talk with leaders during a Nations Skate Youth event at the Seven Chiefs Sportsplex on the Tsuut'ina Nation, Tuesday, July 21, 2020.

Believing it saved them from taking the wrong path, a group of avid skateboarders is touring Alberta reserves to share their sport with Indigenous youth.

“Skateboarding has given us so much. We just want to spread the message. We don’t want to see more youth struggle with mental health, suicide. We want them to be happy, active and empowered,” said Rose Archie, one of the organizers of Nations Skate Youth.

The group of five includes two former Calgary brothers — Tristan and Dustin Henry who grew up skateboarding at Millennium Park — along with Joe Buffalo from Alberta’s Maskwacis reserve, Adam George from Ontario, and Archie from the interior of B.C. Both Dustin and Buffalo are pro riders: Dustin is with the Altimers Skateboards team, which has travelled to Los Angeles for videos, and Buffalo with Colonialism Skateboards out of Regina.

Archie said the project came about after a panel discussion in February promoting social change and mental health among Indigenous youth. All of the members know each other from skateboarding in Vancouver, where they now live, and each has their own reasons for taking part, from personal experience with racism to overcoming harm from residential schools.

 Rose Archie helps a young skateboarder at the Seven Chiefs Sportsplex on Tuesday.

“Mental health is close to me because my sister had an accidental suicide. It had me looking at the suicide rates on reserves. I heard people say my sister was just a statistic,” said Archie.

“My message to youth is that their voice is important. They need to be proud of who they are,” said Archie, 38, who has been skateboarding since 1992 and has taught girls’ lessons for the past seven years. She became involved with community work after struggling for years with her identity after growing up on a reserve.

“I was kind of ashamed of being Indigenous. I just want to give others hope.”

Buffalo grew up in the residential school system and he felt skateboarding helped him survive. “It taught me perseverance, taught me how to tolerate a lot of things. It’s definitely been a helpful tool to help me navigate through life,” he told a Fort St. John TV station that reported on the group’s visit there.

 Joe Buffalo speaks with kids at the Seven Chiefs Sportsplex.

To support the visit to five reserves and a wrap-up talk in Red Deer, Archie created a GoFundMe account which is close to doubling its goal of $10,000. The proceeds will support the trip and help purchase some gear for the kids. They have also received some donated skateboards, helmets and shoes that they will leave in some of the communities they visit.

Beyond inspiring youth to take up a sport they all say is in their blood, Archie said the five are hoping to encourage reserves to build skateparks or at least make a start by creating ramps and other obstacles.

“I was hitchhiking one and a half to two hours to skateboard and I was 14. If there had been a park on the reserve, I would have been doing it there.”

Nations Skate Youth has visited Tsuut’ina Nation and Morley this week, and moves on to Maskwacis on July 23, Enoch Cree Nation July 24, Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation July 25 and Red Deer on July 26.